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Now virtual 4th of July race raises money for children across the region

Annual Four on the Fourth race goes virtual to continue raising funds for Boys and Girls Club SWVA

ROANOKE, Va. – Here’s one Independence Day tradition you can still do, run in the Four on the Fourth race.

However, it’ll be a bit different because this year’s race, which supports the Boys and Girls Club of SWVA, is virtual.

On the plus side, because of that you just need to complete it by July 5.

Once you register, you can walk, run or jog your 4 miles anywhere, even if it’s on a treadmill.

All the proceeds from Four on the Fourth go to Boys and Girls Club of SWVA.

Once you enter in the race you also get a t-shirt and medal.

Fleet Feet Roanoke is still awarding the fastest participants, but they’ve also added new awards to shake up the competition.

“We’re doing biggest family award, most creative race route, most patriotic outfit biggest smile, a bunch of different fun things to do to still get people involved. You don’t have to be fast to win you can still dress up in your red, white and blue, run your 4 miles with your family,” said Casey Lewis, the marketing director for the running store.

Prizes include gift cards and a pair of running shoes from Fleet Feet but to win, you have to register.

Your race registration can make a big difference to Boys and Girls Club. This is one of three fundraisers throughout the year and help funds operations for the entire school year.

Race registration numbers are low this year, which is a concern, especially given that the race sold out in 2019.

“We know the expense of operating under the new health procedures and requirements are significant so having the funds in place to make sure we can provide safe service to our families is really important,” said Boys and Girls Club of SWVA CEO Michelle Davis.