Lexington drive-thru site offering free coronavirus testing to first 300 people

No appointment, insurance or doctor referral needed

LEXINGTON, Va. – A drive-thru site will offer free coronavirus testing to the first 300 people who show up on Friday in Lexington.

It’s happening at Maury River Middle School on Waddell Street from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Organizers said they’re hoping to get a better idea of the health of our local community.

“You don’t have to have an appointment, no insurance, no fees...Don’t even have to have symptoms...first come, first served, only qualifications is you have to be one of the 300 to show up and you’ll be tested," said Capt Kevin Moore, Rockbridge County Fire and Rescue.

Local first responders are seeing an increase in demand for testing.

They found only 3% of the people tested during last week’s testing event in Raphine received positive results.