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Educational projects with a fun twist from Wonder Universe

Local children’s museum uses challenges and videos to teach fun, educational projects

CHRISTIANSBURG, Va. – Wonder Universe may be closed but you and your kids can have just as much fun learning at home.

This children’s museum in the New River Valley Mall is all about amusing, educating and inspiring kids regardless if their doors are open.

If you visit the Wonder Universe’s Facebook page, you’ll find a variety of videos of projects and activities you can do with your kids at home.

Before social distancing guidelines like being 6 feet apart from another person, were put in place, Wonder Universe’s education consultant Hannah Weiss showed 10 News reporter Megan Woods some of the Women’s History Month-themed projects the non-profit is challenging families to do.

One is an engineer challenge to build a bridge out of Popsicle sticks and pipe cleaners. The project is to teach kids about engineers about the woman who built the Brooklyn Bridge in New York.

Another project includes a glider, made of construction paper, a pen or straw and tape. This project is a chance to highlight women in aviation.

Then for aspiring artists you can make tissue paper flowers and self portrait using bright colors with a lesson on Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo.