Lexington’s first coronavirus case is a woman in her 60s

This makes the fourth confirmed case in the Central Shenandoah Health District

CDC confirms fourth Florida coronavirus case

ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY, Va. – A Lexington woman in her 60s has the coronavirus, according to the Virginia Department of Health.

A previous release revealed the person was in the Rockbridge area.

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This makes the fourth confirmed case of the coronavirus in the Central Shenandoah Health District.

Local officials said they have no other information to provide at this time.

In a joint statement, Rockbridge County Administrator Spencer Suter, Lexington City Manager Jim Halasz and Buena Vista Interim City Manager Jay Scudder said, “We continue to work together as a region to take steps to mitigate the evolving public health threat. We urge everyone to follow guidance from the CDC and the VDH. This is a highly communicable disease, which can be transmitted from seemingly healthy individuals, who don’t even know they are infected. Please take this challenge very seriously. Everyone must remain vigilant in helping to protect ourselves, our families, friends and neighbors.”