God’s Pit Crew preparing to provide aid after Tennessee deadly tornado

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DANVILLE, Va. – God’s Pit Crew is communicating with contacts in Tennessee after Monday night’s deadly tornadoes ripped through part of the state.

“We have been in contact with churches and people who are in the affected areas, and GPC will be ready to respond accordingly as more information on the current needs is gathered,” said Brandon Nuckles, chief operating officer for God’s Pit Crew.

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As tornado season arrives, God’s Pit Crew is ready to respond by having plenty of Blessing Buckets and relief supplies on-hand.

On Friday and Saturday, GPC will have a Pop-Up Blessing Bucket Drive at the Danville Walmart at Mount Cross Road and the Walmart Neighborhood Market in Nordan from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. volunteers will be collecting essential relief items that go inside the Blessing Buckets.

For those who can’t make it to this weekend’s drive and would like to help support God’s Pit Crew’s disaster responses or Blessing Bucket program, you can visit godspitcrew.org/donate and select “Disaster Response” or “Blessing Buckets” as your gift designation.