Historic grocery chain Mick-or-Mack to close its last store

Grandin Village store’s last day will be Jan. 4

ROANOKE, Va. – Once upon a time, Mick-or-Mack was the dominant grocery store chain in the Roanoke Valley. Now, its last surviving store will soon shut its doors.

The last Mick-or-Mack, located on Winborne Avenue SW in Grandin Village, will close on Jan. 4. A sign on the door now informs shoppers of its last day, while a larger sign on the window tells passersby, “Everything Reduced; Everything Must Go!!!”

At its peak, Mick-Or-Mack had dozens of stores throughout the Roanoke Valley. However, that number dwindled as larger chains started to enter the market.

The owner of the store tells 10 News he has already sold the building.