Safeside Tactical prepared for uncertain future of state gun laws

Multiple new gun laws have been proposed

ROANOKE, Va. – On Monday, Bedford County was poised to become the latest Second Amendment sanctuary in response to proposed state gun laws.

Because of the proposed gun laws and more than 40 localities choosing to take a stance against them, business is up at Safeside Tactical in Roanoke.

Co-owner Mitchell Tyler said interest in conceal and carry classes has increased, as have sales of both guns and accessories.

One of Tyler’s concerns is Senate Bill 16, which redefines what’s classified as an assault weapon.

That would mean he wouldn’t be able to sell a lot of the guns he currently sells.

“We would see the ebb and flow just like we do in other times that are not politically driven. So, if retail sales are down on this one segment, we’ll see a natural progression; more people using the range, more people taking training classes," Tyler said.

He said diversification is something the company has been working on for close to a decade in order to be prepared for times like this.

“We are a manufacturer of firearms, we have the indoor ranges, we have a huge training facility here. The Department of Criminal Justice Services has a training school here,” Tyler said.

People in Salem were also expected to address the Second Amendment sanctuary issue Monday night during a meet and greet for the city manager.