Craig County joins growing list of Second Amendment sanctuaries

CRAIG COUNTY, Va. – Craig County joins the growing list of areas becoming Second Amendment sanctuaries.

According to the county’s Republican party, the Board of Supervisors voted 4 to 1 in favor of the resolution.

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Prior to Election Day, the idea of a Second Amendment sanctuary was unheard of.

But now, more than forty cities and counties have passed some sort of ordinance.

Southside Del. James Edmunds says he’s drafting a new bill that would allow sanctuaries to ignore any new state gun control laws.

“It gives the localities that say ‘Hey, leave us alone, we’re ok, don’t impose any more things on us and we’ll get along fine,’ and it gives those localities that want further gun control, it gives them the option to implement what the state may pass or not pass,” said Del. Edmunds.

Del. Edmunds is willing to re-introduce the bill if it fails.