Lawmakers react to Gov. Northam's refusal to resign

Reaction is pouring in from Gov. Ralph Northam's press conference on Saturday, in which he refused to resign as govenor of Virginia in spite of a photo released from his medical school yearbook page in 1984 and showed people in blackface and a Ku Klux Klan robe. 

Joint statement from U.S. Senators and former Governors of Virginia Mark Warner and Tim Kaine, along with Congressman Bobby Scott

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  “After we watched his press conference today, we called Governor Northam to tell him that we no longer believe he can effectively serve as Governor of Virginia and that he must resign. Governor Northam has served the people of the Commonwealth faithfully for many years, but the events of the past 24 hours have inflicted immense pain and irrevocably broken the trust Virginians must have in their leaders. He should step down and allow the Commonwealth to begin healing.”

Tom Perez, Chair of the Democratic National Committee, in a statement

"I spoke with Governor Northam this morning. His past actions are completely antithetical to everything the Democratic Party stands for. Virginians and people across the country deserve better from their leaders, and it is clear that Ralph Northam has lost their trust and his ability to govern. The Democratic Party believes that diversity is our greatest strength and that hatred and racism have no place in our democracy. And we will never hesitate to hold accountable people who violate those values, regardless of their party affiliation. It's time for Ralph Northam to step aside and let Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax serve Virginians as their next Governor. Justin is a dedicated public servant who is committed to building a brighter future for the Commonwealth of Virginia.”

Virginia Legislative Black Caucus, in a statement

"We amplify our call for the Governor to resign. As we stated, yesterday we met with the Governor, look him in the eye and expressed our deep sense of betrayal, pain and disappointment. During our meeting, both the members of the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus and Gov. Northam were direct and honest with each other. In light of his public admission and apology for his decision to appear in the photo, he has irrevocably lost the faith and trust of the people he was elected to serve. Changing his public story today now casts further doubt on his ability to regain that trust. At a critical juncture in this legislative session, we need to focus on the important work of governing. We cannot continue this work with Gov. Northam at the helm. The damage that has been done by these revelations is irreparable. Our confidence in his ability to govern for the over eight million Virginians has been eviscerated. Another moment should not pass before we hear Gov. Northam do the honorable thing and resign."

Joint statement from Rep. Gerry Connolly and Rep. Don Beyer


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