Goodwill employee returns $42,000 to owner after finding cash in pile of donated sweaters

The owner gave her $1,000 of the lost cash as a reward

Goodwill employee returns $42,000 back to its owner after finding the cash in a pile of donated sweaters (Goodwill Industries of Central Oklahoma)

NORMAN, Okla. – When you clock into a shift at work, you don’t usually expect to find tens of thousands of dollars, but one Oklahoma Goodwill employee got the surprise of a lifetime.

Andrea was sorting through a pile of donated clothing when she discovered something odd wrapped inside of a sweater, said Goodwill Industries of Central Oklahoma in a Facebook post.

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Lo and behold, the Goodwill employee found stacks of cash, totaling $42,000.

Instead of keeping the cash, she told her supervisor and turned in the money, which was bundled into documents that helped them find the owners who mistakenly donated the money with their clothing.

Upon meeting and returning the money to the owner, he kindly let Andrea keep $1,000 for herself as a reward.

“I never expected anything like this to happen to me of all people. To me, it was just another normal day at work. I was in the back sorting. I never expected to come across $42,000. I made the right decision, and I did the right thing,” said Andrea.

She told Goodwill officials that she plans to use some of that money to give her daughter a wonderful birthday.

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Nicole Del Rosario joined WSLS 10 in August 2020.