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Get Downtown set for 11th year in Lynchburg

Event starts Friday at 6:30 p.m.

LYNCHBURG, Va. – Get Downtown Lynchburg is back. 

For the 11th year, city officials will shut down Main Street, where thousands of people are expected to gather. 

Organizers of "Get Downtown" say patrons can expect to see some new options for food, a beach karaoke party, and a beer garden. They also said all and all children activities will be labeled. 

New this year is an ax-throwing event.

"One that I'm super excited about. We have an ax-throwing trailer. It's something people are doing all over the country. We're excited to have it here. So, if you want to come throw some axes," Ashley Kershner, the executive director of Downtown Lynchburg Association, said.

Organizers say Get Downtown's new start time will be 6:30 p.m.