
Roanoke residents can win a life-changing Smile Makeover

Henritze Dental Group giving away makeovers for free

ROANOKE – A smile is worth a thousand words but for two lucky people in southwest Virginia it will mean so much more.

The Henritze Dental Group is giving away free smile makeovers to two winners. Dr. Andrew Henritze says he often sees patients not confident about their smile.

Which can sometimes hold them back from getting a job and even talking.

He and his office want to take the burden off by providing the needed cosmetic dental treatment for a new smile. 

"It's super important that they get people to understand this is something that is meaningful to me not from a dental standpoint but just really to change somebody's life. There so many times I've seen that transformation from someone who was in their shell and all of a sudden their smile has opened up and been able to feel confident about themselves," said Henritze. 

The deadline to apply for the smile makeover is Sept. 15. The winners will be picked by Oct. 1 for both the Roanoke and Collinsville office.

You can fill out the form for the contest here. 

The clinical team will choose the best candidates for the smile makeover based on the information provided and ability of the winner to undergo cosmetic dental treatment within the required time period.  


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