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Vicki Gardner declared 'poster child' for bullet wound recovery at CRMH

(Copyright by WSLS - All rights reserved)

ROANOKE (WSLS 10) - The only survivor in last week's tragic shooting near Smith Mountain Lake, killing WDBJ7's Alison Parker and Adam Ward, is doing well.

Updates on Vicki Garnder's condition were recently posted on Vicki's Recovery Page on Facebook after the Smith Mountain Lake Regional Chamber of Commerce member was shot during a live interview.

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The status posted on Sunday said, "Vicki got a lot of rest today after doing a couple laps around the ICU (she placed 1st in her age group). Her doctors and nurses say that she is the poster child for bullet wound recovery. She remained cool and calm while having her surgical wounds redressed, a process that the nurses claim to have made "tough, tattooed, and proud men send echoing cries across the trauma floor." We are so proud of her endurance and strength."

Gardner has undergone several surgeries after being in a medically induced coma. She is looking at about three months of recovery.

Her husband, Tim Gardner, says she's in good spirits.

Tim Gardner says the gunman missed his wife twice, and she then dove to the ground, curled up in a ball, and was shot in the back.

He says that after the attack, Vicki got up and walked to the ambulance after being shot, and she didn't know the extent of her injuries at that point.

He adds: "But the surgeon told me that a couple of centimeters and she wouldn't be walking, and a couple of centimeters more and she wouldn't be alive."