DAD SHOUTOUTS: Send your photos to Pin It to show your love for Father’s Day

FILE PHOTO (Maglara, Getty Images)

Thanks, Dad, for all of the extraordinary lessons you taught me without even trying.

Memories we make with our dads are priceless. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the first fish I caught or those teenage-year arguments over nothing – and don’t even get me started on the talks we had after my high school softball games.

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These moments playback like movies in my mind, and some others, I don’t have to look too much further to find.

Ahead of Father’s Day, I wanted to give you a place to share those memories. Below, you can share a picture of your dad – something from way back when or just a day or so ago – to give him a shoutout. On Sunday, you might even see your picture on TV!

Here’s how Pin It works:

Once you hit submit, your photo will appear in our online gallery here and below!

About the Author

Alli Graham came aboard the digital team as an evening digital content producer in June 2022.

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