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‘Tis the season for matching family holiday PJs

Before you write off this trend entirely, hear us out!

. (Photo by J carter from Pexels)

Matching holiday family pajamas are pretty adorable, if you ask us.

We’re not saying that family outfit coordination needs to be a year-round practice, but leading up to the holiday season, we’re fully on board with this growing trend.

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Whether you love the idea in general or you think it’d be cute for Facebook, Instagram or your next family photo session, we’re here to provide some inspiration.

Don’t feel like it’s too late in the season. There’s still plenty of time before Christmas, and ample opportunities to get your order in online and snap some family pics.

Your kids are only little once, you know?

Lean in, and you’ll be happy you did so.

We hope you love the following recommendations. Just as a heads-up, Graham Media Group may collect a small share of sales from the links provided on this page.

1. This classic ‘Let it Snow’ set

Regardless of whether there’s a foot of snow on the ground where you celebrate the holidays, or it’s 60 and sunny outside, we can all agree: It’s the thought that counts, when it comes to “let it snow,” right? (And no one really wants 3 feet of fresh powder, do they?)

Sounds nice in theory, and it’s super cute scrawled across some PJ tops, but let’s leave it there. 🙂

How much?

2. This snowman set

Why do we get the feeling that dads everywhere are going to be the ones who fight this trend?

Well, with the set that you see here, they just can’t. It’s that simple. These are too perfect.

(OK, a *little* over the top, but simple enough, clean and comfy looking). Plus, who doesn’t love a snowman? We’re getting some serious Olaf vibes over here.

How much?

3. A ‘Peanuts’-themed set

Yes, that is Snoopy you see -- your eyes are not deceiving you.

Introduce your children to these beloved comic-strip characters through their PJs, which look incredibly soft and cozy. "That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown!"

How much?

4. This Christmas tree set

We went a little obvious with this pick, yes. But Christmas means Christmas trees, and if you’re going to do holiday PJs, then this is certainly on theme! We love this traditional set of pajamas.

Not to mention, they’re an Amazon bestseller.

How much?

5. This festive ‘all-lit-up’ set

Similar to the situation with the coordinating Christmas tree set, the mentality here is like, if you’re going to commit to holiday pajamas, you can’t go half in. And yes, going “all in” means that your dog could even have a pair, too. How fun is that? Dogs are family; you can’t just leave them out!

How much?

6. Our hands-down favorite set of the bunch

OK, not to play favorites, but ... we’re definitely going to play favorites. If you’re on the fence about this whole “coordinated jammies” thing, this has gotta be the set that pushes you over the edge. They’re matching, but not in an obvious way.

They’re perfect for family photos because everyone looks cute on his or her own, and then as a group, the whole concept is just elevated. We know we’re getting pretty technical regarding matching PJs over here, but that’s how passionate we feel about these particular ones. You have to get them!

How much?

7. This buffalo plaid set

Buffalo plaid is a classic look. And this set is a bit more understated than say, the lights or the Christmas trees. Also they’re fleece. And the makers have included your pup again, which we love. Can’t go wrong with these!

How much?

8. This ‘warm and cozy’ set

We adore these ones, especially if you have a bigger-than-average family. Look at all the variation! Also, “warm and cozy” is a definite mantra this time of year.

How much?

9. These onesies

We can’t decide if these are adorable, hilarious, practical if you live in or visit a cold-weather climate around the holidays, or what. But we had to include them!

How much?

10. Well, it IS the most wonderful time of the year, you know?

Just try to tell these pajamas they’re wrong.

How much?

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This story was first published in 2018. It has since been updated.