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Only one subject sees statewide increase as Virginia releases 2018-19 SOL test results

See how your school district fared in this year's SOLs

ROANOKE, Va. – The Virginia Department of Education released SOL results Tuesday and its changes to the math assessment showed a sizable improvement statewide.

The new math SOL test reflects revisions to the state mathematics standards approved by the state Board of Education in 2016. The introduction of the new tests marked the end of the three-year transition to the revised standards.

The math SOL is the only test that saw an increase statewide with 82% of students passing, compared to 77% passing the previous version in 2017-18 school year.

As for the other four assessments, in the 2018-19 school year:

  • 78% passed reading tests, compared with 79% during the 2017-2018 school year
  • 76% passed in English writing, compared with 78% from the previous year
  • 81% passed in science, which was unchanged from the previous year
  • 80% of students tested in history/social science passed, compared with 84% in the previous


Below you'll see a break down of four years of both statewide and district-by-district data:

Click here if you can't see the data below


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