Amy Coney Barrett, coronavirus and what else you can expect in the first presidential debate

Tuesday’s debate begins at 9 p.m.

ROANOKE, Va. – President Trump and Joe Biden are facing off in their first debate Tuesday night in Cleveland.

Biden said he’s doing his research, reviewing the president’s tweets.

[WATCH LIVE: President Donald Trump, Joe Biden have their first presidential debate]

On the flip side, Trump said he’s not drilling down on policies or briefing books, but being quizzed by reporters in the White House Briefing Room.

10 News Political Analyst Dr. Ed Lynch said the recent report on the president’s finances is sure to come up, along with the coronavirus and race and urban violence among other topics.

“Certainly the Supreme Court nomination is going to come up, the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare is going to come up. I think what will be most interesting is the extent to which Donald Trump can take whatever comes up and turn it into a discussion of the economy,” Lynch said.

Lynch said historically, incumbent presidents almost always lose the first debate.

The 90-minute debate will be divided into 15-minute topical segments opened with a question from the moderator.

Each candidate will each have two minutes to respond before the moderator facilitates discussion on the topic.