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YouDay: The Coin

If life was a coin, you could only spend once, how has your spending gone? Have you invested your coin or wasted it? Too much of our lives are spent waiting for the right moments to knock on our door. And even when those right moments show up we question if they are true for us. Can you identify? The coin is about beginning life and spending your resources on what empowers you and makes you shine.

If you can decide where to begin you have solved 90 percent of the problem. You are an enormous value to the world but in many cases, you won’t see exactly how valuable you are until you start spending your life-cashing in on the purpose you were created to live. Ask yourself, how long will you waste your time staring at the hill instead of climbing it? I dare you to redefine your life and take steps to live extraordinarily. You have it in you. So cash in today...your life is ready and as you spend your value will increase.

You can follow Coach LaMonte on all social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn.