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YouDay: Coat of Happiness

There is a story of a king who was so miserable and unhappy that he called together all of his closest advisers to find a remedy to fix his problem. His problem was he wanted to find happiness but was unable to find it in the material things he owned. He had wealth, but no happiness. He owned land, but no happiness. He had love ones, yet he found no love for himself. They tried all sorts of methods to rouse the king out of his deep dark despair-but to no avail. Finally one of the advisors suggested that they search the kingdom for the happiest man -the thought was if the king could put on the man’s coat, the happiness would rub off on him and he would be happy too.

The search prevailed and the advisers found a man they considered to be happy. The man seemed to have joy and was always found with a huge smile on his face. But there was an issue- the man had never owned a coat. This was the greatest dilemma- the man was happy but how could this happiness be transferred to the king, especially if he never owned a coat. So they inquired of the man- where did this happiness come from? The happiness sprang from within.

Often times we look for things on the outside- material things, and in some cases, other people to make us happy. Those things may create temporary happiness, but nothing that remains and we can build upon. Happiness is the overflow of the authenticity that lies within. If you are missing this virtue-first search within. There is a deeply embedded happiness that is built in the core of our being and it is our responsibility to unlock it and step into its power. Happiness is there but we must acknowledge it, and once acknowledged it will never steer you wrong. Unlock your happiness and watch this beautiful river flow.

You can follow Coach LaMonte on all social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn.