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YouDay: Aha Moment

We all have had Aha Moments. Have you ever had an aha moment? An aha moment is information revealed to you that you already knew you just didn’t know you knew it. It’s the answers you need living on the inside of you. An aha moment is when your spirit reminds you of what’s already there. Your spirit is leaping inside of you saying we know this.

An Aha-genesis moment is when you take that new revelation and wrap a new lifestyle, make a major decision, tap into your breakthrough, or simply step into a new beginning. What happens to so many of us is we have these aha moments and then dismiss them doing nothing with the revelation we just had. These moments are our spirits revealing to us what is possible for us. And it’s an indication that you got this. Don’t waste an aha moment...put a stake in the ground and make it a genesis.

You can follow Coach LaMonte on all social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn.