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YouDay: Anchor

Have you ever felt stuck? Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, or even physically? Many times we have let down an anchor somewhere along the way. Anchors are a way of telling our soul we are not ready to confront something that may be weighing us down. Whether it’s hurt, betrayal, disappointment, or even trauma. We let down our anchor and become bound at the place of our pain, and it becomes a constant reminder of where you left yourself. That explains why when we try to move forward-we find ourselves always being tugged back to the painful memories that we have tried to escape. We must face ourselves and face the internal hindrances which have held us captive. We can no longer be our own prisoners. It’s time to confront. Confrontation is never easy but in order for you to overcome, you must face the very things that have you bound. It’s time to pull up the anchor and free yourself from the past.

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