SALEM (WSLS) - A community conversation about domestic violence will take place at the Salem Civic Center today.
The event is open to anyone living in the Roanoke Area.
Representatives from Roanoke City Council, Salem City Council, and the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors are expected to attend.
Three local survivors will speak at the event.
There will also be information about the resources available to those impacted by domestic violence in our area.
Three similar community conversations have been held in Roanoke City in the last year.
Roanoke City Councilman Sherman Lea helped plan today's event.
He says its important to extend the conversation to other communities as this is a valley wide issue.
Organizers are hoping that with the recent attention surrounding domestic violence involving NFL players, the community will get involved in tonight's conversation.
:ea says, "What Ray Rice did was horrible. But through that it bought to the nation the attention of domestic violence and how serious it is. So we want to captivate that in our discussions at the community conversation and we think this is a grand opportunity to do that."
Tonight's event will begin at 6PM.