10 Ways to Save: Review subscription services

Review your subscription services to see if you need them or use them.

  • Review subscription services to see if you still use or need the service.  If not, cancel it.
  • See if there is a smaller, cheaper plan you can switch to.
  • Try to negotiate a lower price or get a promotion rate for services.

ROANOKE, Va. – If you are looking to pad your bank account, now is a good time to look at your subscription services to see if you really need and use them.


This can include things like Netflix and Hulu, your cell phone data plan and cable and internet service.

If you are paying for them and not getting your money's worth, drop them.

"It's great to cut those out.  $9.99 may not look like a lot, but that's $120 a year, so that's money that could go to something else that's important to you.

Courtney Campbell, Freedom First Credit Union

If you do need the services, see if there is a smaller, cheaper plan you can switch to.

To keep you as a customer, some companies are willing to negotiate how much you pay.

Call them and ask for a lower or promotional rate.

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