Workout Wednesday: Lower Body Blast

Johanna from Ferguson Fitness joins Brittany for Workout Wednesday. Today she is sharing a lower body blast.

Here's the exercise:

Warm Up: Light jogs, jacks, alternating lunges, side to side lunges, knee hugs and ankle grabs - 2-3 min.

Round 1:

Squats with a Hold the last 15 sec

Single Leg Dead Lift

Round 2:

Split Squat (Stationary Lunge) with 15 sec hold

Calf Raise Slow and Fast

Round 3:

Side Lunge with tap

Bowlers Lunge with 15 sec hold/pulse

*Note - work the same leg for both moves back to back. If stepping out with right leg in side lunge, keep right leg in front for bowlers

Round 4:

*Use a bench or chair

Single Leg Glute Lift

Runners Lunge with a triple pulse and tap

Round 5:

Climbing Beast

All 4s Single Leg Bend & Extend

Bonus Round:

Sumo Squat/Squat Jump

Inchworm Plank Lift Combo

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