Keeping beloved sea turtles safe one tip at a time

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TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission reminded beachgoers sea turtle nesting season lasts through October. Tips on how to protect our precious sea turtles.

Hands Off Hatchlings.

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As sea turtle hatchlings come into our world, the best thing for beachgoers to do is to observe from afar.

No matter what.. don't touch the hatchlings.  Even well-meaning attempts to rescue sea turtle hatchlings can do more harm than good.

And don't forget.. digging into a sea turtle nest, entering a posted area or picking up a sea turtle hatchling to take a photo are all against the law.

Turn Out the Lights, Save a Life.

Your lights can confuse our new friends, so make sure to adjust your beach lighting.

     Keep It Long – Long wavelength lights are better for turtle, especially red and amber lights.

     Keep It Low – Use low-wattage bulbs and install lights close to the ground.

     Keep It Shielded – Focus your lights down, not up or outward.

     Shut Curtains and Blinds – Close your curtains to keep it nice and dark outside.

Clear the Way at the End of the Day.

Nesting mothers and hatchling sea turtles can get trapped by gear left on the beach at night. So, make sure you're putting away those items after your fun day at the beach. As always, clean up your trash as well.

Choose Turtle-Friendly Activities.

Try to avoiding driving on our beaches and lighting bonfires because we don't want to harm our sea turtle nests.

"Let's help them survive by keeping our beaches free from obstacles, so adults and hatchlings are safe when they visit," Dr. Robbin Trindell, leader of the sea turtle management program at the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, said.

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