Radford School Board votes to say Pledge of Allegiance before meetings

RADFORD (WSLS 10) - Parents, students, the Radford City School Board and community members packed the cafeteria at Belle Heth Elementary School to discuss changes to the Pledge of Allegiance policy on Tuesday afternoon.

More than a dozen veterans also attended the meeting.

After some debate, the Radford City School Board voted five-to-zero to include and rehearse the Pledge of Allegiance at all future school board meetings.

Prior to the board making a decision, the board heard from more than a dozen community members, most in favor of the policy change and a few opposed.

By Virginia State Code, the students say the pledge everyday in school; however, many in favor voiced the pledge should be incorporated in other school-related activities outside of the classroom.

The idea of reading the pledge at school board meeting actually came from a student.

In May, during Radford High School's Students in Government Day, then senior Katie Graves pitched the idea of having the school board meeting start by opening with the pledge, from there her idea gained momentum.

"Every day that I can remember going to school that's how we start our mornings and that's how the city Council begin their meetings. So I was like, why doesn't the school board say this? It's a great way to honor our veterans and show patriotism," explained Graves.

"A lot of veterans take that very personally because we support and defend the United States and the flag is a symbol of that. And to take the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag is very important," said Lewis Jeffries, an Army veteran.

At the meeting, about a dozen law enforcement officers were present.

Robert Graham, the superintendent, said he's happy this issue was addressed today because prior to the meeting there was misinformation on what exactly the board was looking to change.

After the board voted on the policy change, everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

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