Radford University nursing students pass exams at rate higher than national average

Radford University nursing students pass exams at rate higher than national average (Image 1) (Copyright by WSLS - All rights reserved)

RADFORD (WSLS) - Radford University nursing students are passing their exams on the first try at a rate higher than the national average. 

Nursing students at Radford scored 97.5% on the exam, which is about 10 points above the national average. Faculty at Radford say they are pleased with that statistic.

RU professors say having hands-on internships help students prepare for the test.

Another tool they're using is a bodysuit called "GERT." It allows the students to experience the symptoms of geriatrics, such as loss of hearing and eyesight or symptoms of a stroke.

"Really kind of got a better idea of what it must be like for somebody who you know, a stroke is sudden not a gradual and so they're not used to this," Rebecca Urin a second year nursing student said.

Nursing professor say the internships are having an effect on the local workforce, as well. More students are staying and practicing in the New River and Roanoke Valleys. 

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